Too Many People
One day after a summer storm I discovered what I believed to be an unknown species of bird flying around the tree in the overgrown lot next to our home. Red bellied, blue backed birds flew through the rain clean air. The shock of recent lightning and thunder were touchable in the ozone heavy air. The leaves of the enormous banyan tree that stood in the field lot were heavy with rainwater. Walking upstairs for lunch I saw the birds veering through the low branches. If I was a bird I would have played in that tree. I would flown in close to the leaves as I was circling down and hit them with my wing tip to see the water drops shower my pals below. That’s what the birds seemed to be doing. I grew up in and around New England and have had some experience with trees and wood. I know the northern hardwoods that burn well and those that don’t. I know the rare woods that are used in furniture making and in gun stocks. I don’t know tropical woods as well; except that tropical hardwoods good for making ship masts are still more highly prized for their…